This installation is part of a series of works made by the artist in 2013 and 2014 using Kriska metallic curtains. In Daniel Steegmann Mangrané’s personal imaginary, these aluminium chain curtains are part of his childhood memories, as they are commonly used in the entrances to businesses and homes in southern Catalonia, where the artist spent his summers. Making a distinctive metallic noise, the chains are manufactured from a very light material so that, once passed through, the curtain quicky closes again. Steegmann Mangrané uses a laser to cut out large geometric figures from the curtain, which is then hung dividing the exhibiting space. Dividing the space into two sections, he activates concepts such as continuity, interruption, exchange, transformation and dematerialisation. In being crossed, the work constantly dematerialises through the interaction with the body of the viewer. We could say that the artist sees space as process and exchange, as a transformational notion.