Thursday, March 21, 2024

We invite the MACBA Friends and Collection Friends to visit the studio of Max de Esteban (Barcelona, 1959), artist of the MACBA Collection. 

The work of Max de Esteban is based on the analysis of the relationship between the human condition, technology and capitalism. In this sense, he has a special interest in the social impact of technology

Max de Esteban works mainly with technological media such as photography, video and other digital technologies like artificial intelligence. He takes a critical approach to today’s mediatised society, which is constantly generating new images and information, through all types of conceptual, visual, narrative, film and digital resources. 

His work opens up what are sometimes uncomfortable questions, such as: What are the ideologies of the people who invest in technological knowledge? What is the function of art, if it has any, in a post-human world? Where will the use of artificial intelligence take us and what social values are at stake? 

Exclusive programme activity for MACBA Friends and Collection Friends

Vista de l’estudi de Max de Esteban, artista de la Col·lecció MACBA.

If you have any question, feel free to contact us on 93 481 33 68 or by email at macba [at] macba [dot] cat.