A number of works by Fina Miralles have travelled to the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, within the framework of the PHotoEspaña festival. Under the title Fina Miralles. The Tree Woman, the Water Woman, the works have been presented within a cycle of three exhibitions on outstanding pioneers of international performance art: Marina Abramović, Orlan and Fina Miralles. Meanwhile, Eleanor Antin's series of postcards, 100 Boots (1971-73), has been on display at Can Baylach in Vilassar de Mar. As part of Revela't Contemporary Analogue Photography Festival, the present edition of which is called Paths, these mail-art postcards record the action whereby Antin took 100 wellington boots for a walk around different venues in the United States, including MoMA. Lastly, the photographic series Waiting for Tear Gas (1999-2000) by photographer and theoretician Allan Sekula has been part of the Rewinding Internationalism exhibition, presented at the Villa Arson in Nice. This exhibition reviews internationalist movements and currents from the 1990s to today through different art scenes in Europe and the world.