'MACBA Collection: Prelude Poetic Intention' exhibition views

MACBA Collection: Prelude Poetic Intention exhibition views, 2023. Photo: Miquel Coll

To what does the idea of home refer? To a place? To objects and their uses? Or does it reflect a mood? Contrary to what we may believe, the house as a shelter, as a piece of architecture, as a concept or as an idea of space, is pure abstraction. Everyday objects, and the way we use them, are what make it habitable. Together, they imbue the space with the status of home. Following this argument, Carlos Bunga has dialogued with MACBA’s architecture to present Animismo (Animism, 2023), an installation that restores life to domestic furniture, which, just a few years ago, could be found in every home. Tables, sideboards and other elements recovered from flea markets are given a new lease of life, in which they merge with the Museum building through interventions with cardboard panels and adhesive tape, ephemeral elements that, in the hands of Bunga, configure their own unique language. Reusing furniture as a reflection on the life we bestow on inanimate objects, a new animism that, in this case, inhabits a museum space. Don't miss the installation, you'll find it in the exhibition MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic Intention. 

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