
Presentation of the programs for the 2009-2010 school year

The MACBA's educational programs reach beyond a merely static and aesthetic contemplation of a work of art: they show the student the artist's intention, encouraging reflection and extrapolating the resulting concepts, as well as help them draw parallels with elements from their own worlds. The activities' educational richness will help turn them into something more than "good viewers," planting the seeds of dialogue, idea associations, critical spirit, empathy, and expressive capacity... that and much more, all of which will benefit them immensely throughout their education.

This year's educational programs expand to include two new, specific projects related to the temporary exhibitions All Around Us is Music! and Picasso, My Master. Or how Rodney Graham Appropriates Picasso. These projects will join the programs that have already been consolidated in previous academic years: Expressart. Portable Museum, which is aimed at kindergarten and primary levels and, from now on, also at early secondary school level, and Reading a collection, aimed at early secondary and high school levels.
As for teacher training, this year there will be a new winter course, Contemporary Art as a Learning Generator, and workshop, Contemporary Art, A Resource in the Classroom, which we will impart on request at pedagogic resource centres (CPRs).
As in previous years, the MACBA will also continue to offer the usual tours of temporary exhibitions in its calendar.

For group and education program information please call 93 412 14 13
educacio [at] macba [dot] cat



Son[i]a #101. Tonina Cerdà