Archi/tech/e/nologies is an open lecture series, bringing together professionals from various fields related to architecture, technology and science. Here, international and local architects explain their strategies in applying their skills to data collection, layout and the mapping of information, exploring common ground with the techniques used by enologists and agricultural engineers. Vicente Guallart, Chief Architect of the City of Barcelona and supporter of the coexistence between technology and nature, contributes his views.

The sessions are conducted in parallel with the international architectural workshop AA Visiting School Barcelona, organised by the AA School of Architecture at the Architectural Association, London, which moves to the city of Barcelona for the first time under the title BODEGA – Enological Metabolism. The workshop will be held from 12–26 July at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB – UPC Barcelona Tech.

Vicente Guallart is the Chief Architect of the City of Barcelona and founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), which he directed during its first ten years.
Guallart is a pioneer of interaction between nature, technology and architecture, proposing new paradigms based in urban, social and cultural conditions emerging from the information society. From this position, he has explored the emergence of a new kind of urban development linked to the concept of the Metapolis (a term coined by the French sociologist François Ascher), as a discontinuous metropolis that calls for the project design of both the constructed and the natural.

Auditori MACBA


Tuesday 23 July 2013, at 17 pm

MACBA Auditorium. Limited places

This lecture is part of the Archi/tech/e/nologies, AA Visiting School Barcelona Open Lectures, organised by the AA School of Architecture and the Architectural Association, London, in Barcelona, 12–26 July 2013.

The lecture will be in English without simultaneous translation.
aavsbarcelona [at] aaschool [dot] ac [dot] uk

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