Xavier Miserachs "El Born, Barcelona", ca. 1964


The complexity and seduction of the living city. Everything is here.”

With this phrase, Josep Espinàs summed up the street scenes that Xavier Miserachs had photographed and collected in his book Barcelona, blanc i negre (Barcelona, black and white), published in 1964. The Sunday stroll, the flea markets, the neighbourhood parties, children on the street, workers leaving the factory, the suitcases of immigrant families at the station, the mixed races and cultural dialogues: all the daily gestures of streets in which, over half a century later, we still recognise ourselves.

Barcelona, 1962. Series: "Barcelona Blanc i Negre"
Els Encants, Barcelona, 1957
Antoñita La Singla, 1962
Agost, 1962 : festa major de Gràcia [full de negatius 2]