
A project by Guillermo Gómez-Peña.

The MACBA, along with the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, presented a project by Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Michelle Ceballos and Juan Ybarra, based on these artists' experience in the field of performance art. The project consisted of a workshop directed at local artists with some experience in the field of performance art and theatre and an interest in questions of cultural hybridisation; two public performances held in the Capella de l'Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu in collaboration with the participants in the workshop, and a session of conferences and video programme at the CCCB.

In the words of Guillermo Gómez-Peña:
"My work takes place in an intermediate cultural space; in a frontier conceptual zone located between south and north; between Latin-America and Anglo-America; between what is Spanish and what is English, in the third country of Spanglish. I'm also a professional border crosser. My artistic work swings between various territories: performance art, installation, film, radio, poetry, theory and, more recently, digital art. This time I'm going to concern myself with just one aspect of my work: the performance that takes place inside an installation and in politically or historically ‘saturated' contexts. [...]"