Sandra Gamarra trained in Fine Arts at the Universidad Pontificia Católica del Peru and at the University of Cuenca, Spain. She currently lives and works in Madrid. Her multidisciplinary production – including sculpture, painting, video, texts and installation – sets out to critique the notion of modernity. Whether it is artistic modernity, with works that question the place and mechanisms of the exhibition space and musealisation, as well as the pictorial tradition. In a more historical and political vein, other pieces document episodes of colonial abuse. Gamarra incorporates methodologies specific to the archive, documentation, appropriation and miscegenation of non-artistic objects transferred to the field of art to denounce the role and historical responsibility of the West in colonial exploitation.

She has had solo exhibitions in venues such as Casa de América, Madrid (2003), Bass Museum of Art, Florida (2011) and Artium, Vitoria (2014), among others. She has participated in collective exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale (2009), Chile Triennale, Micromuseo de Lima (2009), Sâo Paulo Biennial (2010, 2011), Cuenca Biennale, Ecuador (2011) and Montevideo Biennale (2016). She has works in collections such as MoMA, New York; Tate Modern, London; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Lima; Museo de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro; Patio Herreriano, Valladolid; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Castilla y León; and MACBA, Barcelona.

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