Conjunt de fotocòpies de retalls de premsa i material de difusió, en una carpeta, relacionats amb l'esdeveniment "Day without Art, an International day of Action and Mourning in response to the AIDS crisis", celebrat a Nova York el 1 de desembre de 1989. -- A la pàgina web de Visual Aids: "In 1989, in response to the worsening AIDS crisis and coinciding with the World Health Organization’s second annual World AIDS Day on December 1, Visual AIDS organized the first Day Without Art.
A committee of art workers (curators, writers, and art professionals) sent out a call for “mourning and action in response to the AIDS crisis” that would celebrate the lives and achievements of lost colleagues and friends; encourage caring for all people with AIDS; educating diverse publics about HIV infection; and finding a cure. More than 800 arts organizations, museums and galleries throughout the U.S. participated by shrouding artworks and replacing them with information about HIV and safer sex, locking their doors or dimming their lights, and producing exhibitions, programs, readings, memorials, rituals, and performances. Visual AIDS coordinated this network mega-event by producing a poster and handling promotion and press relations". -- Hi ha fulls repetits.

Technical details

Belongs to:
Col·lecció MACBA. Centre d'Estudis i Documentació
[New York : Visual Aids, 1990]
Dimensions: 29,3 x 24
Material type:
Identification number:
Call number:
Material Gràfic_P_M_0561