
Han Nefkens Foundation announces Minia Biabiany as the first recipient of the new Han Nefkens Foundation; MACBA, Barcelona; MUAC, UNAM, Mexico City and The Bass Miami Beach Moving Image Commission 2024

Image Minia Biabiany. Courtesy of Han Nefkens Foundation.

The Han Nefkens Foundation – in collaboration with The Museu d’Art Contemporary de Barcelona, MACBA; MUAC, UNAM, Mexico City and The Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach – Moving Image Commission 2024 aims to be a tool for increasing contemporary artistic production in the moving image field.

The partnership includes three editions of the Commission, each one will be biennial (starting in 2024) and will have a specific thematic and investigation concept proposed by all the partners. The Commission involves the production of a screen-based video artwork and excludes any type of documentary.

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