Educational Programmes

Who is knowledgeable and who isn’t? Who learns and who has to teach? Is it possible to have a museum where we all learn together? Can education set us free? How is history constructed? MACBA conceives education as a backbone that articulates the role of the Museum in relation to communities, paying special attention to the educational community and the Raval neighbourhood, of which we are a part.

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MACBA for families

We are offering two MACBA for Families workshops, where, through play and by activating our bodies, we’ll explore the corners, sounds, and objects hidden in the museum.

Teaching artists

Get to know the artists who share with us our educational programmes.

See artists
Imatge decorativa
Pedagogies i emancipació
Marina Garcés, Janna Graham, val flores, Concha Fernández Martorell, Jordi Solé Blanch

Educate, for what? This question is particularly relevant at a time when education appears under threat from the labour market and its demands for productivity and efficiency. The essays in this publication critique the educational models imposed on us with little opportunity for alternatives. Drawing on diverse experiences and perspectives, each of these contributions supports the idea of education as a political space for individual and collective emancipation. An area and a practice from which we are allowed to imagine a future.
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Educational projects
6 highlights
Grup de joves

Grup de joves

A partir de 12 anys

Els dijous, fins el 29 de maig del 2025 (excepte festius i vacances escolars)

Pissarra pintada amb dibuixos i noms de colors. Foto: © Anna Fàbrega

Els nens i les nenes del barri

Nens i nenes de 9 a 12 anys

Els dijous, fins el 29 de maig del 2025 (excepte festius i vacances escolars)

Objectes nòmades

El Museu s’Apropa

De juny a novembre de 2024

more information 02:23

In other words

To collect voices, share experiences, look at each other, connect, relate, create a museum. Get into the new video series… In other words.


A classroom-museum is not based on the presence of teachers and students, or the presence of schools, but on the existence of communities of learning and unlearning.

Know more of our communities
Apadrina con el IE Elisabets, curso 22-23. @AnnaFàbrega

With the support of


For more information you can contact us through any of the following links