The History of Exhibitions: Beyond the Ideology of the White Cube  (part two)

The History of Exhibitions: Beyond the Ideology of the White Cube (part two)

in progress
Història de les exposicions: Més enllà de la ideologia del cub blanc

Course in art and contemporary culture

With this course, the MACBA continues the rereading of contemporary art history that it began in Autumn 2009, through an analysis of exhibition dispositifs focusing on alternatives to the «white cube» theorized by Brian O’Doherty The second series includes an exhibition from the late sixties, Earth Art, which looks at Land Art’s radical gesture of moving away from the traditional gallery space. But above all, it focuses on five of the most important exhibitions in Europe and America during the eighties, presented by the artists and curators who conceived them, or, if that isn’t possible, by the critics who analysed them. These examples don’t just offer a reading of the styles and trends that were emerging in each context, but also of the gradual spread of the contemporary art scene, which eventually became a global scene. The series includes a monographic session on the visual culture of MoMA exhibitions, and a final session with Seth Siegelaub – publisher, freelance curator and founding member of the Stichting Egress Foundation– who will talk about his exhibition projects in the sixties.

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