5044_005_pub--imatge-my-summer-77-with-gordon-mattaclark-an-addendum-to-the-original-movie-office-baroque 5044_003_pub--imatge-my-summer-77-with-gordon-mattaclark-an-addendum-to-the-original-movie-office-baroque 5044_004_pub--imatge-my-summer-77-with-gordon-mattaclark-an-addendum-to-the-original-movie-office-baroque
Cherica Convents
My Summer 77 with Gordon Matta-Clark. An addendum to the original movie Office Baroque
Mi verano del 77 con Gordon Matta-Clark.Un anexo a la película original Office Baroque
1977 - 2012
My Summer 77 with Gordon Matta-Clark és una pel·lícula inèdita sobre la realització d'Office Baroque (1978) a Anvers, un dels darrers building cuts de l'artista. La pel·lícula ha estat realitzada i produïda per Cherica Convents. Harold Berg n'ha estat el promotor. -- "Summer ‘77 is, in fact, mainly composed of ‘rest rushes’ (so far unused images) from the original 16 mm Office Baroque film shoots of 1977. These were then digitized. Many of the more subjective images of Gordon’s work weren’t used in the original edited version of the Office Baroque film because, by that time, the focus had shifted onto showing the artwork in a visual and structural way. We also had a large amount of unexplored sound material left over. It was this that gave me the idea to allow Gordon to explain his vision in depth. In 2012, I decided to structure this new film, Summer ‘77, purely around Gordon’s own words. He loved to talk about his projects and, thanks to the approach we’d taken towards the sound back then, it’s possible to remain connected to Gordon’s ideas and his innermost reflections throughout the entire film. This new documentary is therefore a kind of an addendum to the original Office Baroque film. In it, the Office Baroque story is told a second time, only this time from the perspective of Gordon’s innermost experiences. In making this film, we were guided by Gordon’s energy, enthusiasm and genius. Both films, Office Baroque and Summer ‘77, are very complementary. I have also integrated certain images of another project that Gordon realised that year at Documenta 6 in Kassel: Jacob’s Ladder. I did, in fact, follow Gordon throughout his European summer of ‘77 – from the moment that he made his first spherical cut in Antwerp and his subsequent intervention in Kassel. In June 2012, MACBA in Barcelona organised an important exhibition about Gordon Matta-Clark. The newly restored, original version of our Office Baroque film was projected on a continuous loop. The museum also reawakened interest in Gordon’s first spherical cutting approach, made during the creation of Office Baroque. The première of Summer ‘77 took place at the end of the exhibition, on 10 October 2012, in MACBA. In mid-October of the same year, another exhibition around Gordon opened in M HKA, Antwerp. It became very clear to me that Gordon’s Jacob’s Ladder was underexposed due to a lack of film material. After the restoration of the original Office Baroque, and after the making of Summer ‘77, I decided, in October 2012, to finally finish the editing and post-production work on Jacob’s Ladder. -- http://summer77.eu/ --"
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título original
My Summer 77 with Gordon Matta-Clark. An addendum to the original movie Office Baroque
año de adquisición
tipo de objeto
Grabación audiovisual
número de edición
Ed. 2/50
© Cherica Convents
número de registro
1977 - 2012
Colección MACBA. Consorci MACBA
Vídeo monocanal, color, sonido, 29 min 44 s
Colección MACBA. Consorcio MACBA. Donación Harold Berg
título original
My Summer 77 with Gordon Matta-Clark. An addendum to the original movie Office Baroque
número de registro
1977 - 2012
año de adquisición
Colección MACBA. Consorci MACBA
tipo de objeto
Grabación audiovisual
Vídeo monocanal, color, sonido, 29 min 44 s
número de edición
Ed. 2/50
Colección MACBA. Consorcio MACBA. Donación Harold Berg
© Cherica Convents
Matta-Clark, Gordon
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