A.E.I.u.U. : just what is it that made today's Berlin so different, so appealing? : Starship : the early years: 1998-2001 / translated by Michael Eldred
Publicat amb motiu de l'exposició "Berlin 2000" celebrada a la Pace Wildenstein Gallery, Nova York, el març de 2009. -- A la p. 79: "Starship is a Berlin based art magazine that started in 1998. The texts translated for the exhibition Berlin 2000 at Pace Wildenstein Gallery New York, were published in the first issues of Starship. We decided to reprint only short texts of regular contributors and no artists contributions (6 to 10 pages of the magazine per artist) due to the lack of space of this book. The illustrations are from the 1999-2001 issues".
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2001 - 2010
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