última actualización
Early electronic/Tape collage music / Malcolm Goldstein
EX HK / Hans Krüsi
Sound 1 / Charlemagne Palestine
Voice studies / Charlemagne Palestine
A Fluxus elegy / Ben Patterson
TV cello / Charlotte Moorman, Nam June Paik
A Fluxus elegy / Ben Patterson
TV cello / Charlotte Moorman, Nam June Paik
De musicorum infelicitate / Walter Marchetti
De musicorum infelicitate / Walter Marchetti
Una voz (un etcétera) / Juan Hidalgo
The wolfman / Robert Ashley
String quartet describing the motions of large real bodies. How can I tell the difference? / Robert Ashley
Wave train : (music from 1959 to 1968) / David Behrman
Negative sound study / Charlemagne Palestine
Fontana mix-feed / Max Neuhaus, John Cage
The bird of paradise / Walter Marchetti
La musica dell'anno zero / Davide Mosconi
Fonemi / Arrigo Lora-Totino
Bruits du Beaubourg / Brion Gysin
Holy 1/Holy 2/Holy1+2 / Charlemagne Palestine
Poèmes lettristes 1944-1999 / Isidore Isou
L'anticoncept / Gil J. Wolman
[Geschwister bär]
[Geschwister akre]
The book of J's / José Luis Castillejo
The book of i's / José Luis Castillejo
100 years of soundings = 100 anni di suoni / Philip Corner & Malcolm Goldstein
The sonosopher restrospective / Sten Hanson
"50/70" / Bernard Heidsieck
The book of i's / José Luis Castillejo
220 volt Buddha / Åke Hodell
Vaduz / Bernard Heidsieck
Cantata for two farts & Co. / Henri Chopin
Les mirifiques tundras & compagnie / Henri Chopin
Les mirifiques tundras & compagnie / Henri Chopin
Poems of poems / Brion Gysin
Word - voices / Philip Corner
Metal medatations / Philip Corner