Imatge Decorativa Imatge Decorativa Imatge Decorativa Imatge Decorativa Imatge Decorativa
The Forum is a small Gothic nave notable for its vaulted ceiling and decorative mouldings. Intimate and elegant, it has the perfect dimensions for meetings, product presentations and press conferences that demand a more human scale. Offering a cosy yet upmarket atmosphere for small-format celebrations, the Forum can also serve as a complementary space to the Capella, as a place to welcome attendees, for photo shoots or simply for an aperitif before dinner.
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Convent dels Àngels, direct acces from Carrer dels Àngels
Floor area
220 m2
110 people in cocktail layout
50 people in banquet layout
80 people in theatre layout
Technical specifications
Wi-Fi available
Convent dels Àngels, direct acces from Carrer dels Àngels
Floor area
220 m2
110 people in cocktail layout
50 people in banquet layout
80 people in theatre layout
Technical specifications
Wi-Fi available
virtual tour
virtual tour