MUESTREO #4 Cosas que pasan

Repository of invisible documents (things?)

This space is a repository of invisible documents (things?) that appeared during the research process.


Moments before the presentation of the publication 'Appearances', the display tables are collectively filled. Everyone gives their opinion.



Things that happen... at Ràdio Web MACBA. Programme

As part of the exhibition "Sampler #4. Things that Happen", I propose to get Ràdio Web MACBA to talk about her practice. I went back to the mail I received in 2015 inviting me to be interviewed by RWM, tweaked it for the occasion, and forwarded it to the relevant person at RWM. Through this simple gesture, I hope to reveal the mechanisms underlying this pseudo-radiophonic project and generate and opportunity to break the fourth wall. This conversation—not interview—is a waste of time in the best sense of the term. It is “the trace of an action”. Or of many actions.

Vote Metanoise Party
Vote Metanoise Party
Vote Metanoise Party

0007_Mockup fantasy