
This workshop offers a creative, thought-provoking introduction to photography that combines the analysis of photographs with practical creative photography.

The activity takes place in two main stages. Firstly, participants work with photographs from the MACBA holdings, examining them through a photographer's eyes. Then, they begin a photographic exploration and spatial investigation of the Museum, the CCCB and their immediate surroundings, through practical exercises that address some of the main elements of photography (framing, colour and composition).

As such, learning takes place on three levels:
- photographic heritage
- the expressive potential of photography
- the MACBA and CCCB buildings, and the Raval neighbourhood.

The photographs will be published on the website, which will gradually become a photographic archive and visual cartography of the buildings and the neighbourhood.

Photographic Spaces is a workshop offered jointly by MACBA and the CCCB, as part of the Current Photography programme run by A Bao A Qu.

Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) © Rafael Vargas, 2009


Wednesday and Thursday morning.