PEI Obert
Anti-imperialism in the 20th century and anti-imperialism today: similarities and differences
Anti-imperialism in the 20th century and anti-imperialism today: similarities and differences
Lecture by Ramón Grosfoguel
Anti-imperialism in the 20th century and anti-imperialism today: similarities and differences
Presentation of the book Kathrin Böhm: Art on the Scale of Life
Coco Fusco | Can the Subaltern write?
Claudia Pacheco Araoz & Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz | PCP – Programa Cultura Política
Achille Mbembe | Seminar “Where are the Oases?” (session 1)
Max Jorge Hinderer, Emily Jacir and Elvira Dyangani Ose | Seminar “Where are the Oases?” (session 2)
Kader Attia, Sarah Nuttall and Françoise Vergès | Seminar “Where are the Oases?” (session 3)
Elvira Espejo Ayca | Seminar “Mutual Nurture of the Arts”
María José Arjona | Presentation of the performance “En silencio pero juntos”
Heidi and Rolf Abderhalden | Presentation of “Mediaturgias, operaciones de montaje y etnoficciones”