Àngels Ribé
Intersecció d'onada
Wave Intersection
1969 (1992)
Although Àngels Ribé began her career as a sculptor, she soon abandoned this practice in favour of actions where she could experiment with nature, space and her own body. Among her earlier actions are works such as Intersecció de llum, Intersecció d'onada and Intersecció de pluja (Light Intersection, Wave Intersection and Rain Intersection). Made in 1969, they reveal the artist’s interest in the poetics of perception. Ribé creates physical interferences by placing minimal elements such as a piece of glass or nylon thread in natural environments like a forest or the sea and exposing them to random and transient factors: wind, rain, the passage of time. The result is an experimental work that turns the production of artistic objects into a live experience.
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Space and time
Conceptual art
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