Juvenile David R.
audio archive
image not available online

«Project The Sibs shows again private stories of people who live in mental and social isolation. Again, these stories show difficult and handicapped people from my neighbourhood. My aim was to dismantle some boundaries (such as fear, aversion, grudge or certain prejudices) and by means of video, to get people from different social backgrounds closer to us. The main characters of this double-portrait are two Roma people – juvenile David Rác and his sister Jarka, who come from a big family that lives on the edge of poverty. At the time of making the video, David was sentenced to punishment for theft. Making the video Juvenile David R. (2004) was consequently limited with time we were permitted for this project, with the place and other conditions not to mention David’s character. His life in prison is colourless, narrowed to minimum of space and minimal possibilities; this is why he dreams of other world. Even though he does not suffer from any serious physical of mental disability, seeing him, we fear for his future life. Viewing his sister Jarka among their many siblings at home that is in accordance with their mental maturity gives an insight into David’s possible thoughts and memories. Jarka lives in a colourful world, with her family, allowing for plenty of visual and sensual perceptions – most of the time she can be found in an open air – among manifold piles of wasted objects. Though still a child, she helps her mother out with their household, which is sometimes quite difficult. It is not certain whether her dreams will come true.»--www.screen-projects.com

The texts of the MACBA web draw on previous documentation. Please let us know if you find any errors.
original title
Juvenile David R.
year of acquisition
type of object
Audiovisual recording
edition number
Ed. 1/5
© Pavlina Fichta Cierna
registration number
Col·lecció MACBA. Fundació MACBA
Single-channel video, colour, sound, 3 min 39s
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation. Gift of LOOP Barcelona
original title
Juvenile David R.
registration number
year of acquisition
Col·lecció MACBA. Fundació MACBA
type of object
Audiovisual recording
Single-channel video, colour, sound, 3 min 39s
edition number
Ed. 1/5
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation. Gift of LOOP Barcelona
© Pavlina Fichta Cierna
Social marginality
Enquiry the MACBA Library for more information on the work or artist.
If you want to make a work loan request, go to colleccio@macba.cat.
If you want the image of the work in high resolution, you can send an image loan request.
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Image loan request