Harun Farocki
Eye / Machine II
Eye / Machine II
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In the Eye / Machine trilogy, Farocki deals with the technology of war and how that visual technology has penetrated civilian life. In his films he brings out the fact that the human eye is losing the capacity to distinguish between real and fictional images. In Eye / Machine the lens of the camera is placed on the so-called ‘smart bombs’, replacing the human eye as the supreme witness of war.

The manipulation of images in times of conflict is nothing new, since countless documentary testimonies over history have shown that they have become one more weapon against the enemy. Counterinformation, which in other times was done from pulpits, in leaflets or over the radio waves, is now handled by image control, although no-one talks about war propaganda any more and it is the big communications groups that have control of information. The latest danger for official propaganda has been online publications and the dizzying speed with which users of blogs all over the world can ‘upload’ their version of events.

Taking into consideration the level of development of technology today, Farocki wonders to what extent we can distinguish between man and machine. In modern military technology the intelligence deployed can no longer be reduced to human intelligence; we have to add the intelligence of machines. The ‘man-machine’ combination takes the shape, according to him, of the ‘eye-machine’ combination when he analyses the functioning of smart machines and what they ‘see’ when they are working on the basis of recognition programmes and image processing.

The thrust provided by the 1991 Gulf War for electronic surveillance devices —an intricate system of survival, detection and warning which can act on a potential enemy— made them known as C3I: Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence. Farocki establishes parallels between the military and technology industries, while bringing out the growing overlap of these new advances and their application in everyday life.

The Eye / Machine trilogy consists of three pieces, 25, 15 and 25 minutes in length. It reflects the instruments of work, war and control, the new techniques in robotics and video surveillance, which have made huge strides since the Gulf War. Images are projected simultaneously on three screens.

Eye/Machine II

In the second part of Eye / Machine, Farocki looks more deeply into the relationship between production and war. The cameras are implanted in the machines, the replacement of the human eye by the machine eye. Once again he uses the images broadcast on television during the Gulf War with images for industrial use taken on an assembly line (which he had already used in the first episode) and combines them with others taken from flight or tank driving simulators. All these images have more to do with science fiction than with reality itself. He also shows the images taken by the first bomb with a television camera which was launched from Germany in 1942, during the Second World War. As at that time electronic technology was still rudimentary, a film camera recorded the images offered by the monitor. Unlike in more recent wars, at that time images of that kind had no commercial appeal.


Other works of Harum Farocki at the MACBA Collection:

Eye / Machine I, 2001

Eye / Machine III, 2003
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The texts of the MACBA web draw on previous documentation. Please let us know if you find any errors.
original title
Eye / Machine II
year of acquisition
type of object
Audiovisual recording
edition number
Ed. 3/3 + 1 P.A.
© Harun Farocki
registration number
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation
Two-channel video, colour, sound, 15 min 47 s
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation
original title
Eye / Machine II
registration number
year of acquisition
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation
type of object
Audiovisual recording
Two-channel video, colour, sound, 15 min 47 s
edition number
Ed. 3/3 + 1 P.A.
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation
© Harun Farocki
Persian Gulf War, 1991
Defense industries
Military redainess
Institutional Critique


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