The Collection
The MACBA Collection focuses on the art of the period spanning the second half of the twentieth century to the present. Without ignoring the specificity of any moment, it centres on what the notion of artistic contemporaneity and its multiplicity of languages has meant during the last decades.
A COLLECTION THAT GROWS as a living and porous model, allowing us to understand the world of today while configuring a critical memory of the art of the last seventy years. With works created by Catalan, Spanish and international artists, the Collection highlights key aspects of contemporary artistic creation, with a view of art history as a constantly evolving construction that blurs the limits between the different disciplines.
A COLLECTION THAT IDENTIFIES with its geographic position in Southern Europe, a vital and cultural context that defines its identity and justifies its interest on the artistic production of Mediterranean countries, as well as its close relationship with Latin America and the European and Middle-Eastern avant-gardes. Other specific characteristics are researching narratives that have been silenced or overlooked by art history, the importance of the body as a form of thought and the relationship between the visual arts and popular culture. Another key factor is the powerful transformation that various feminist movements have introduced into art, both in its discourses and institutions.
A COLLECTION THAT IS ON PERMANENT DISPLAY on the first floor of the Museum, with regular rehangs that bear witness to its vitality and the need to share the 5,709 works included in its fonds. A display that gives prominent place to the more recent acquisitions and aims to reverse the usual dramaturgy of the Museum by placing the works centre stage, so they can reveal their desires, their intention and their projection onto the world, what they exclude and what they want us to perceive. With this aim in mind, we invite you to discover and experience a Collection that is and wants to be public.