
Sonia Noya i Eduard Mont de Palol

Sonia Noya and Eduard Mont de Palol take the name of their project, La Dernière Mode, dfrom the fashion magazine created by Mallarmé in 1874 to discuss what was at the time considered a lesser form of art.

La Dernière Mode by Noya and Mont de Palol, also rebels against prejudices and conventions; in this case, the ones that are projected onto popular music. And to do this, they compose microsongs in which nothing is repeated because saying it once is enough.

The project was begun in 2018 and now, with their participation in Artists in Residence, Noya and Mont de Palol will take their research further, working on displacing the boundaries between the musical project, dramatic arts, performance practices and writing. Their austere, very short and catchy pieces – which evoke echoes of French literature, Decadentism, krautrock, flamenco and electroacoustic music, among others – will seek out different ways of acquiring form, in a theatrical proposal that is midway between performance, a concert and a recital.