Cultura popular: de la épica al simulacro

Néstor García Canclini (Argentina, 1939) has been a professor and researcher at the Mexico's Autonomous Metropolitan University, Iztapalapa Unit, where he directs the Cultural Studies Program. He has traveled to many Universities as a visiting professor, among them Naples, Austin, Stanford, Barcelona, Buenos Aires and São Paulo, and has published more than 20 books on Cultural Studies, globalization and Urban Imagination, many of which has been translated to other languages. Among those, important titles are Hybrid Cultures (1995), which won the Latin American Studies Association's award for best book about Latin America, and Las culturas populares en el capitalismo (1981), which received the Casa de las Américas prize.

In February of 2000, Néstor García Canclini visited the MACBA to give the conference Popular cultures in times of globalization within the seminar Towards a high popular culture?

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Publication date:
Quaderns portàtils
Editorial category:
Quaderns portàtils

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