Maite Garbayo-Maeztu is Serra Hunter professor in the Department of Art History at Universidad de Barcelona and lead researcher for the project Ritmos del trabajo feminizado en la historia del arte y la cultura visual (Estado español, 1936-2022), funded by the MCIN. Her research explores the intersections between feminisms, visual and popular culture, and contemporary art in the Spanish state and Latin America during the 20th century. Her first book, Cuerpos que aparecen. Performance y feminismos en el tardofranquismo (consonni, 2016) analyzes the presence of the body in performance practices during the final years of the Francoist dictatorship, in connection with feminist activism of the time and visual culture. She conducted postdoctoral research at the Institute of Aesthetic Research of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México before joining the Art Department of Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico). Her career has developed both in academia and in the contemporary art world, where she has curated several exhibitions and public programs.