Iver Zapata addresses the work of creation through dance and performance. The artist’s current interest is to find and integrate bodies into contemporary queer and ecologist theories. Interacting with such theories, he seeks to shed light on the emotional and affective natures of current dissident and resistant experiences. Thus the core of his work is experiential. By carrying out transdisciplinary work, he questions the body’s narrative and dramaturgic limits, and from the corporal he marks out an investigation parallel to theory. In fiction and depathologization he finds weapons of creation and vision to think up more liveable worlds.

Iver holds a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Murcia (2017), is doing a master’s degree in Education and a degree in Choreography at the Conservatori Superior de Dança of the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona (2022). He has been part of several companies as a dancer, in La Taimada (2021-2022), Saorín en Danza (2013-2017) and laSADCUM (2022). Together with the artist Agustín Ortiz he is engaged in several research and artistic production projects, in which he interacts with the natural sciences and queer cosmology (2021-2022), and he is presenting works at the Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, the Centre d’Arts Maristany and the Barcelona City and Science Biennial 2022-2023. Curated by La Poderosa, he is presenting several works of his own at Fabra i Coats and the Centre d’Arts Santa Mónica (2022). He is involved in different congresses in which he participates by means of performative presentations: Congreso de Artes y Diversidad (Murcia, 2019 and 2021) and the Jornadas Scanner with the title Gènere, Cos i Identats (2021). Iver is part of the project Cascades: Grupo de Estudio.