Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room

The work of Joan Jonas, a pioneer in the fields of performance, experimental film, and video installation, addresses the clichés of femininity and deconstructs the image of woman and the stereotypes of female behaviour.

Technical details

Publication date:
Editorial category:

Designed by Jason Ellams

Spa 978-84-89771-43-7
Eng 978-84-89771-44-4


Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 04 and 05
 Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 18 and 19
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 24 and 25
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 32 and 33
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 44 and 45
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 46 and 47
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 54 and 55
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 72 and 73
Selección del catálogo "Joan Jonas. Timelines: transparencias en una habitación oscura" páginas 84 y 85
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 88 and 89
 Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 96 and 97
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 100 and 101
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 102 and 103
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 106 and 107
 Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 122 and 123
Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 146 and 147
 Selection from the catalogue 'Joan Jonas. Timelines: Transparencies in a Dark Room', pages 150 and 151