The DJs Albert Almakx and miKegineR present us with a sound journey through part of the exhibition Art, Two Points. Barcelona lives contemporary art, putting music to a series of images related to the show. The result is the creation of experimental landscapes that are both cutting-edge and electronic.

Reflections on plastic mixes vinyl and celluloid, the documentary with the language of film. The proposal creates a collage that invites the viewer to reflect on the movements of political and social turmoil that led to the military conflicts that marked the history of Spain and Europe during the first half of the twentieth century.

With de support of:
Reflexions en plàstic



Museum Atrium.
Limited places.

Albert Almakx and miKegineR are DJs and electronic producers. Their proposals, influenced by the sounds of the emergent vanguards in Europe and North America in the mid-eighties, have always maintained an underground and alternative spirit.

Their sets typically include a wide range of styles: genres like new beat and wave, in their diverse variations, in combination with new forms of musical production.
In over 15 years of collaboration, they have performed in cities like Barcelona, Ibiza and elsewhere in Spain, as well as France and Italy.

MACBA Public Programmes
programespublics [at] macba [dot] cat
Tel. 93 481 46 81