
Monographic course led by Miguel Morey

The aim of the course is to undertake a general presentation of the ideas of Michel Foucault, by considering how the use of an inopportune point of view of sorts orientates and drives his theoretical decisions in the greater part of his work.


February 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, from 7 pm to 9 pm

Monday February 16

The first session will serve to deploy a modest general mapping of Foucault's work, as well as to establish what is understood by 'inopportune point of view'.

Tuesday February 17
The archaeology of knowledge (1961–70)

The second session will be devoted to demonstrating the application of archaeology as method and knowledge as interrogation in his early works, from Madness and Civilization (1961) to The Order of Things (1966).

Wednesday February 18
Screening of the video Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma soeur et mon frère... (1976) (I, Pierre Rivière, having slaughtered by mother, my sister, and my brother…)
A film by René Allio based on the dossier of the same name published by Foucault after working
on the case in his seminar at the Collège de France.

Thursday February 19
The genealogy of power (1971–76)

This session will deal with the turn of the screw made after adopting genealogy as a method and power (and its relationship to knowledge) as an object of interrogation in Discipline and Punish (1975) and The History of Sexuality I (1976).

Friday, 20 February
The final Foucault (1977–84)
Finally, in the last session, we will analyse the plurality of openings Foucault creates during his last few years, from his proposal for an ontology of the present to his interrogation of the processes of subjectivisation and the historical role sexuality has played in these (The History of Sexuality II & III, 1984).

MACBA Public Programs
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