Screening of documentary films on the work of Michelangelo Pistoletto.


Monday, 7th February, 7.30 p.m.
I have a mirror, you have a mirror.
Directed by Gianfranco Barbieri and Marco di Castri, 1988. 60 mins. Italian, with English subtitles.
A survey of the artistic development of Pistoletto, in the form of a conversation mixed with excerpts from films and documents of the artist's works.

Monday, 14th February, 7.30 p.m.
Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, l'Arte al centro. In Biella a nodo internazionale. Simposio, mostra-evento, 3-4-5 luglio 1998.
Produced by the Fondazione Pistoletto, 1998. 30 mins. Italian.
Progetto Arte. Abitus, habitare, habitat.
Directed by Enzo Mercuri, 1995-1996. 30 mins. Italian.
Two documentaries on the multidisciplinary experiences that Pistoletto has pursued in his Cittadellarte foundation.

Monday, 21st February, 7.30 p.m.
Auf den Spuren von Palla Athene. Magdalena Kostecka: Eine frage an Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Directed by Marek Kozera, 1995. 54 mins. English, with Spanish subtitles.
Starting from a single question, the artist explains his thinking on aesthetics.

Monday, 28th February, 7.30 p.m.
L'homme noir.
Directed by Pierre Coulibeuf, 1993-1998. 76 mins. Italian and French, with Spanish subtitles.
Mixing document and mîse-en-scène, this film is an attempt to open up a space between the visual arts and the cinema, thus recreating the hybrid dynamics of Pistoletto's work.