On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Alexandre Cirici Pellicer (1914–1983), the publishing house Comanegra has issued Diari d’un funàmbul. Les llibretes d’Alexandre Cirici Pellicer, an unpublished literary document in the form of a diary edited by Glòria Soler that covers the mid-forties to the early sixties. Its importance lies in the multifaceted figure of Alexandre Cirici, who pursued a prolific career as a critic and art historian, as well as writer, designer, publicist and politician. His published work, including masterpieces such as Barcelona pam a pam (Teide, 1974; Comanegra, 2012), bears witness to his human, ethical and aesthetic commitment to improving our society and our country.

The sixteen years comprising the diary include a considerable number of pages dedicated to registering his daily observations and experiences from a personal perspective. Time, always in the present, follows the course of events alternating diagrams or lists with reflexive essays, the everyday with the extraordinary, brief sketches with poetic notes. Notes are often accompanied by freehand drawings of characters, situations, objects, buildings, streets or artworks. Thus the objective minutiae of everyday life are mixed with more incisive thoughts, in an attempt to explain the world, interpret it and understand it. More than a historical chronicle, the diary is an essay on the obstacles and grievances of having to live in the specific circumstances of the post-war period and the permanent struggle to overcome them.

The presentation of Diari d’un funàmbul. Les llibretes d’Alexandre Cirici Pellicer is to be a choral event, including interventions by various personalities of Catalan society and culture who will talk about the multifaceted nature of Alexandre Cirici’s universe. It is a homage to a figure who was crucial in the intellectual and political history of our country.

Activity organised by the publishing house Comanegra. More information at Comanegra.

Diari d’un funàmbul. Les llibretes d’Alexandre Cirici Pellicer (Diary of a funambulist. The notebooks of Alexandre Cirici Pellicer)


Venue: Meier Auditorium
Free admission. Limited places