This activity is conceived as a new space in which teachers can acquire knowledge and tools that they can later apply directly in the classroom. These practical workshops will be imparted by artists, other active agents from the art scene, and experts from the educational community.

How can concepts linked to contemporary artistic language be transformed into practices that can be implemented in the classroom? Using this question as a starting point, the workshops aim to provide tools and generate content that participants can apply in real learning contexts, through creative processes presented by professionals from the art field.

We offer six editions of this course: Wednesadys 19 November, 10 December, 21 January, 18 February, 18 March and 15 April, from 6 pm to 9 pm

Workshops_Activar el aula


Venue: MACBA
Fee: free

Wednesday, 21 January 2015, 6 to 9 pm
The classroom as a stage

By Pere Faura
The session aims to work with the performing arts not as a discipline or technique in itself but as a teaching tool, as a vehicle for learning to design physical games and theatrical strategies applicable when working with any material. The intention is to make theatre and dance a vehicular tool for the understanding and memorising of concepts and, at the same time, for bringing together the group and promoting bodily awareness.

The workshop offers two types of practices: some more physical, focused on awakening the body and the mind, attention, bodily awareness and the relationship to space and the rest of the group; and others more mental, but always playful, which serve to dramatise content, i.e., to convert any theme into a theatrical score. Thus creativity is encouraged and new procedures are discovered relating to the exercise of memory.

These are simple exercises for use both inside and outside the classroom, taking the classroom or school as a great theatre wherein each student can find their own way of relating to the theme with creativity and imagination.

Performer, dancer and choreographer, Pere Faura has also studied music, theatre, dance and visual communication. His work relates to education and reflection on the educational uses of the body through the language of performance. The workshop will use the body as a means of artistic experience and place from which to build knowledge.

For group and education program information please call (+34) 93 412 14 13
educacio [at] macba [dot] cat