This activity is conceived as a new space in which teachers can acquire knowledge and tools that they can later apply directly in the classroom. These practical workshops will be imparted by artists, other active agents from the art scene, and experts from the educational community.

How can concepts linked to contemporary artistic language be transformed into practices that can be implemented in the classroom? Using this question as a starting point, the workshops aim to provide tools and generate content that participants can apply in real learning contexts, through creative processes presented by professionals from the art field.

We offer six editions of this course: Wednesadys 19 November, 10 December, 21 January, 18 February, 18 March and 15 April, from 6 pm to 9 pm

Workshops_Activar el aula


Venue: MACBA
Fee: free

Wednesday 18 March 2015, 6 to 9 pm
Art and audiovisual narrative

By Pere Arcas
The blank page, the blank canvas, the blank mind ... Blank spaces are disturbing yet exciting when we fill them with content. It is a fact inherent in any creative act. This workshop aims to provide resources for its participants to lose their fear of creativity. We want to demystify the transition from ‘nothing’ to the idea. Creativity is a work process that needs method and tools to carry it out. The techniques of storytelling and visual language will be our companions on a journey that will lead us to reflect on the possibilities of the moving image in the field of creation.
Inspiration comes only when we seek, and to find it we must observe our environment. So we will take advantage of the privileged space of MACBA to seek out our ideas. Art is always a magnificent excuse to bring together artistic, linguistic and digital skills into the same project.

Pere Arcas (Barcelona, 1964) is a journalist, filmmaker, and audiovisual and multimedia writer. In 2007 he launched the department of projects for learning of Televisió de Catalunya. This year he has created the Ask Yourself project dedicated to exploring the possibilities of audiovisual language in education beyond its traditional informational and illustrational function.

For group and education program information please call (+34) 93 412 14 13
educacio [at] macba [dot] cat