The City of the People is a photographic project undertaken by Craigie Horsfield in 1996 in Barcelona. In strict black and white, he portrayed fifty city dwellers. Some anonymous, others well known, women, men, young, old... identities of individuals and communities that shape the human landscape of the metropolis. The project, conceived as an alternative to the official image of Barcelona, focused especially on the three peripheral neighbourhoods of Ciutat Meridiana, Vallbona and Torre Baró. A visual tribute to citizens who today are confined.

Santiago Dexeus, Major de Sarrià Street, Barcelona. March 1996. Series: "The City of the People"
Javier Anguera, Rec Street, Barcelona. February 1996. Series: "The City of the People"
Josep Maria Fargas, Gracia Avenue, Barcelona. October 1995. Series: "The City of the People"
Juan de la Haba, Boters Street, Barcelona. February 1996. Series: "The City of the People"
Manuel Vital, Sant Feliu de Codines Street, Torre Baró, Barcelona. September 1995. Series: "The City of the People"
Pere Comellas, Provença Street, Barcelona. February 1996. Series: "The City of the People"
Sandra Fortó-Fonthier, Pau Claris Street, Barcelona. March 1996. Series: "The City of the People"