Focus on the Future
A compilation of revolutionary slogans from diverse ideologies and different moments in history await you in the new exhibition of the MACBA Collection. You can read them in Daniel G. Andújar’s installation: Battle Cry. Contrary to what it might seem, these are not cries of dissent or exhortations to change, but rather highly calculated messages used by hegemonic powers.
The artist himself explains: ‘In a world saturated with images, media impact and all kinds of advertising intrusions, it is surprising how the marketing techniques of political propaganda manage to find a place among so much competition to get their message across and evoke their siren song. (…) The strategy is clear and little has changed in a context of highly invasive social networks and digital media. On the contrary, far from changing, it has evolved, it has become personalised through sophisticated algorithms that allow our governments and institutions, political power, power in general, to continue filtering their propaganda as a global channel of imposition for interpellation, hegemony and homogeneity.’
‘MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic Intention’. A group exhibition that aims to reverse the dramaturgy of the museum by putting the artwork at the centre so we can address its will, its energy and its poetic intention.