The image of the work is not available online.

[Croquis de les teules per a l'acció "Flauta i trampolí" de Miralda, realitzada amb motiu de la cloenda del X Festival de Música de Cadaqués], [c. 1981]

[Sketch of the tiles for 'Flauta i trampolí' [Flute and Trampoline), an action by Miralda held to coincide with the closure of the 10th Cadaqués Music Festival], [c. 1981]
Graphic material, 27.4 x 21.5 cm
This file is in the process of being documented.

Technical details

Original title:
[Croquis de les teules per a l'acció "Flauta i trampolí" de Miralda, realitzada amb motiu de la cloenda del X Festival de Música de Cadaqués]
Registration number:
Date created:
[c. 1981]
Date acquired:
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation
Object type:
Graphic material
Ink on paper
27.4 x 21.5 cm (height x width)
MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation. Long-term loan of Bombelli Family
© Miralda, VEGAP, Barcelona
It has accessibility resources:

The MACBA Collection features Catalan, Spanish and international art and, although it includes works from the 1920s onwards, its primary focus is on the period between the 1960s and the present.

For more information on the work or the artist, please consult MACBA's Library. To request a loan of the work, please write to colleccio [at]

If you need a high resolution image of the work, you must submit an image loan request.