Yolanda Jolis
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Yolanda Jolis is Head of Education at MACBA, where she has worked since 2007 as a coordinator and educator. As a cultural worker, her interests focus on the crossover between art and education, as well as on the potential of the performative act that surrounds it. Through a situated practice, she investigates the forms of knowledge building that emerge in the context of the museum from relational aspects, the construction of connection and the collective experience around the aesthetic act. She has led courses and curated workshops with artists, including “Laboratorio de artistas” and “P2P. De igual a igual”, within the framework of the continuing training programme for teachers. As an educator and coordinator, she has accompanied various working groups, including “Departamento Exotérico”, “Los niños y las niñas del barrio”, “Conociéndonos con Metzineres” and “Pensando juntos un dispositivo de arte móvil”, where collective processes were central to her practice. She holds a degree in Art History from the University of Barcelona.
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