Violeta Ospina Dguez
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Violeta Ospina graduated with a degree in Plastic Arts and holds a master’s degree in Theatre and Performance Art from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2010). She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Sound Art (2025) at the Universitat de Barcelona and is also the artist in residence at Arts Santa Mònica (2023-2024). Her works, performances and actions, both as a solo artist and collectively, have been held in Llibreria Blanquerna (Madrid, 2023), La Escocesa (Barcelona, 2022), CCCB (Barcelona, 2022), Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona, 2022), La Escocesa (Barcelona, 2019 and 2021), Museo de la Universidad Nacional (2014 and 2007), Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (2013) and Museo del Banco de la República (Bogotá, 2012), among many other non-conventional and street stage sand spaces. Between 2010 and 2019 she held four individual exhibitions between Bogotá and Barcelona (Alalimón - Art Nou 2019, El Catascopio, Laagencia, Nuevas propuestas - Alianza Colombofrancesa, 2011).
She has also formed part of the RWM working group since 2016. At MACBA she has taken part in the following activities: Open Essay (2023-2024), Let’s Sound with... Radia Cava-ret (2022), Picó, for Lorem Ipsum: Situated Music (2021), Casa-cos-parla in Barcelona Dibuixa (2021), De com es pot radiar i fer reverdir el museu (2020), Estados distanciosos in P2P. De igual a igual, and ¡Radia el museo! (2019). She has also taken part in Pensando juntas un dispositivo de arte móvil (2021).
She has also formed part of the RWM working group since 2016. At MACBA she has taken part in the following activities: Open Essay (2023-2024), Let’s Sound with... Radia Cava-ret (2022), Picó, for Lorem Ipsum: Situated Music (2021), Casa-cos-parla in Barcelona Dibuixa (2021), De com es pot radiar i fer reverdir el museu (2020), Estados distanciosos in P2P. De igual a igual, and ¡Radia el museo! (2019). She has also taken part in Pensando juntas un dispositivo de arte móvil (2021).
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