Brussels, Belgium, 28-1-1924
Cologne, Germany, 28-1-1976
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Broodthaers, Marcel Louis Jean
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Marcel Broodthaers (Brussels, 1924 – Cologne, 1976) was one of the major artists of the twentieth century. After abandoning his chemistry studies, he published his first book of poems in 1945. In the forties and fifties he continued to write poetry and worked as a journalist, and in 1957 he made his first film. In 1964 he began using other visual media such as photography, collage and objects, and he went on to produce an extensive body of graphic, film and text work that never strayed far from poetry. He was heir to the surrealism of Duchamp and Magritte, and he took his profound reflections on art and the museum as an institution to their logical conclusions.
Broodthaers constructed paradoxical objects and used all kinds of materials (many taken from nature) in his work, which is rooted in language. He used irony, hieroglyphs, and fragments of texts by nineteenth century authors (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Dumas and La Fontaine) to sharpen and broaden the anti-bourgeois and anti-social critique of his works. Broodthaers, who produced more than a hundred cinematic works, was the creator of a new genre that merged film, still images, language and objects. His works can be found in major collections such as the New York MoMA, the Tate Modern in London, the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and MACBA.
Broodthaers constructed paradoxical objects and used all kinds of materials (many taken from nature) in his work, which is rooted in language. He used irony, hieroglyphs, and fragments of texts by nineteenth century authors (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Dumas and La Fontaine) to sharpen and broaden the anti-bourgeois and anti-social critique of his works. Broodthaers, who produced more than a hundred cinematic works, was the creator of a new genre that merged film, still images, language and objects. His works can be found in major collections such as the New York MoMA, the Tate Modern in London, the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and MACBA.
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Räume: Carl Andre, Marcel Broodthaers, Daniel Buren, Hans Hollein, Bruce Nauman, Gerhard Richter, Ulrich Rückriem (Beleg III); Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach, 29 August bis 3 Oktober 1976
Marcel Broodthaers
Je hais le mouvement qui déplace les lignes de Charles Baudelaire
Marcel Broodthaers
Fig. 1, 21 octubre – 7 novembre, 1971 (Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach)
Johannes Cladders
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23 results
Marcel Broodthaers / traducción de Juan Elías Tovar, Elsa Cross y Tatiana Lipkes
Ten thousand francs reward / by Marcel Broodthaers
Marcel Broodthaers: une seconde d'eternité d'aprés une idée de Charles Baudelarie / Marcel Broodthaers
Marcel Broodthaers / [editor in chief, Wilfried Dickhoff]
Cocernant la vente d'un kilog d'or fin en Lingot = Concerning the sale of a Kilogram of fine gold in the ingot = Bettreffend den Verkauf von einem Kilogramm Feingold in Barren
A Programme of films by Marcel Broodthaers : 9 - 18 February 1977 / [text: Michael G. Compton]
Moules, oeufs, frites, pots, charbon, perroquets / Marcel Broodthaers
Marcel Broodthaers : à l'occasion de l'exposition de Marcel Broodthaers au Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, la Wide White Space présentera au Bailli quelques pièces anciennes et des éditions récentes : Wide White Space, à partir du 25 septembre 1974
Marcel Broodthaers : ne dites pas que je ne l'ai pas dit = zeg niet dat ik het niet gezegd heb
Das Manuskript in der Flasche : the Manuscript in a bottle : Le Manuscrit touvé dans une bouteille : 1833-1974 / Galerie René Block
Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.0 Fig.12 Fig.A : Filme von Marcel Broodthaers / Galerie René Block
Programme : Marcel Broodthaers
Deurle 11/7/73
Edition Le Corbeau et le Renard (1967-1972) : Marcel Broodthaers : Wide White Space, tentoonstelling van 17 tot 30 juni 1972
Edition Le Corbeau et le Renard (1967-1972) : Marcel Broodthaers : Wide White Space, tentoonstelling van 17 tot 30 juni 1972
Broodthaers : Galerie Gerda Bassenge
Marcel Broodthaers à la Deblioudebliou/S : exposition littéraire autour de Mallarmé : tentoonstelling van 3 tot 20/12/69, Wide White Space
Naar een onbeduidende kunst? / Marcel Broodthaers
Le corbeau et le renard de Marcel Broodthaers : édition du livre, du film et des deux écrans
Le corbeau et le renard : édition originale à 40 ex. : Wide White Space Gallery
Le corbeau et le renard : édition originale à 40 ex. : Wide White Space Gallery
Moules oeufs frites pots charbon / van Marcel Broodthaers
[Deux poèmes dédiés à Suzanne et Paul Bourgoiguie par le poète Marcel Broodthaers...]