Marc Larré
Barcelona, Spain, 1978
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Marc Larré (1978, Barcelona) studied Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona (UB), as well as photography and film at The Cooper Union for The Advancement of Science and Art in New York, under the supervision of Walid Raad. His individual shows include: Logo-dolmen, Centro Párraga, Murcia (2020); 1 + 1 = 3, etHALL Gallery, Barcelona (2018); De aquellas fotos estos barros, Fundació Suñol, Barcelona (2017), among others. He has participated in collective exhibitions such as L’objecte del vincle, Casal Solleric, Mallorca (2020); Esdevenir immoral i després morir, La Capella (2019); or Stazo Stazionario, CRAC Puglia, Tarento (2018), among others. He received the BBVA Foundation Grants for Video Art Creation 2015.
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