Àngel Jové
Lleida, Spain, 1940
Girona, Spain, 2023
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Àngel Jové was born in 1940 in Lleida, where he studied architecture and where, in 1964, he formed the Cogul group, which was first allied to Informalism and then to Pop art. In the mid-sixties, Jove introduced ‘poor’ art in Catalonia by working with everyday and unconventional materials. At that time, he also participated in many of the country’s pioneering Conceptual art events. Always experimental, his work focused on the construction of volumes with basic materials such as cardboard. In the seventies, he investigated the different possibilities of photography. During his career, Jové has worked with painting, film, installations and design.
He participated in most of the early exhibitions of Conceptual art in Catalonia, including: Sala Gaspar, Barcelona, 1966; Jardí del Maduixer, Barcelona, 1968–69, with Sílvia Gubern, Jordi Galí and Antoni Llena (this is where these artists lived and worked); Petite Galerie, Lleida, 1968 and 1970; Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1969 and 1970; and Sala Vinçon, Barcelona, 1975. Retrospective exhibitions include: Museu Morera, Lleida, 1985, and Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, 1989.
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