Detail of the hands of women cooking

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Open Kitchen with Marina Monsonís, the Cabanyal cooking, Resistencia Migrante Disidente and Assemblea Catalana per la Transició Ecosocial

Food networks in an emergency situation
Photo: Lili Marsans

The MACBA Kitchen emerged as a co-thinking and culinary action project in the context of the current ecosocial crisis. At present, new questions arise, as well as the desire to listen to and support solidarity networks linked to agroecology that fight for the right to food in the aftermath of the DANA storm, which has had a very strong impact on part of the Valencian territory.

As a group, we are moved by the different forms of people-led organisations related to food, such as cooperatives, associations and collectives that are working to provide the neighbourhood with climate justice criteria in this emergency situation. But above all, we think that at this moment it is essential to build solidarity with anti-racist and migrant collectives, such as Resistencia Migrante Disidente, who are supporting migrants and people in irregular administrative situations, who have become even more vulnerable in this emergency.

Despite being the workforce of sectors such as agricultural food production, migrant communities are suffering from a lack of access to basic state services and support, as well as anti-migrant racist violence that has increased since the onset of this catastrophe. Industrial food systems and the precariousness of migrant workers are also both a cause and a consequence of the eco-social crisis.

For all these reasons, we invite you to a meeting and snack to listen, develop, analyse and identify the mutual aid strategies that can be interwoven with cooking and food in our spaces alongside the collectives that, through action, care and critical thinking, have organised themselves to cook and provide food to the most affected populations in València.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2024
7:00 pm
La Cuina del MACBA (Aula 0)
The Open Kitchen with Marina Monsonís, the Cabanyal cooking, Resistencia Migrante Disidente and Assemblea Catalana per la Transició Ecosocial
Catalan and Spanish
Free entry. Book in advance. Limited places
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
The Open Kitchen with Marina Monsonís, the Cabanyal cooking, Resistencia Migrante Disidente and Assemblea Catalana per la Transició Ecosocial
7:00 pm
Catalan and Spanish
La Cuina del MACBA (Aula 0)
Free entry. Book in advance. Limited places


Adrià Auladell
Cuina de barri

With the support of

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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