Networks: modes of action and production in the global society

Networks: modes of action and production in the global society

in progress

Monographic course of lectures directed by Jesús Carrillo
12th, 13th, 19th and 20th of April, 2005. 7pm – 9pm.

The course of lectures attempts an analysis of contemporary culture using as a starting point the reality of an expanding new paradigm - the net – which has made itself part of the organisation of processes of economics, politics and social interaction, and which derived from an intensification of the communicational flow during the last third of the 20th Century. The course will define and open up debate on some basic concepts of sociology and the theory of contemporary culture in the light of the analysis of specific phenomena and behaviour patterns in some way connected to the new net model, from the construction of subjectivity to the new world order.

Part of Desacuerdos. Sobre arte, políticas y esfera pública en el Estado español (Disagreements. On Art, Politics and the Public Sphere in Spain), a joint research project by the Arteleku-Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) and the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA arteypensamiento) and an exhibition and activities project jointly produced by these institutions and the Centro José Guerrero-Diputación de Granada.

Jesús Carrillo is a lecturer in Art History at the Madrid Universidad Autonoma. He is part of the Desacuerdos research team.

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Monographic course of lectures directed by Jesús Carrillo
12th, 13th, 19th and 20th of April, 2005. 7pm – 9pm.

The course of lectures attempts an analysis of contemporary culture using as a starting point the reality of an expanding new paradigm – the net – which has made itself part of the organisation of processes of economics, politics and social interaction, and which derived from an intensification of the communicational flow during the last third of the 20th Century. The course will define and open up debate on some basic concepts of sociology and the theory of contemporary culture in the light of the analysis of specific phenomena and behaviour patterns in some way connected to the new net model, from the construction of subjectivity to the new world order.

Part of Desacuerdos. Sobre arte, políticas y esfera pública en el Estado español (Disagreements. On Art, Politics and the Public Sphere in Spain), a joint research project by the Arteleku-Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) and the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA arteypensamiento) and an exhibition and activities project jointly produced by these institutions and the Centro José Guerrero-Diputación de Granada.

Jesús Carrillo is a lecturer in Art History at the Madrid Universidad Autonoma. He is part of the Desacuerdos research team.

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12 April 2005 – 20 April 2005
Networks: modes of action and production in the global society
12 April 2005 – 20 April 2005
Networks: modes of action and production in the global society
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