Monday, 18 May 2020
International Museum Day
Monday 18 May is International Museum Day, and MACBA will be presenting a quite different from the usual ones because this year it will be virtual.
Throughout the day, you will be able to watch, free-to-air, the film Singularity by Albert Serra, which will mark the start of the new “Open Screen. Works from the MACBA Collection” cycle.
For this year’s International Museum Day, the International Council of Museums has chosen the theme “Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion”. In response, we are presenting Antoni latest work Deaf Ears, 2019* and we invite you to join an open conversation between the artist, Ferran Barenblit and Cristina Bonet, about diversity.
And to experience the MACBA from another point of view, we invite you to navigate the “Nothing to See” tour, an online itinerary of the museum that cannot be seen.
We want you to be the stars of “Neighbourhood boys and girls”: send us pictures of your self-builds. Your pictures will be included in the project’s archive and we will be able to put on a future activity with your cooperation.