Muhannad Shono "Displacement 33", 2013/2018
In the open or in stealth
MACBA Amics exclusive visits
in progress
We visit with Hiuwai Chu the exhibition In the Open or in Stealth curated by Raqs Media Collective. In the Open or in Stealth is a multi-layered site of discovery that explores the concept of a future in which multiple histories and geographies are placed in dialogue, giving way to a plurality of possibilities and queries by following paths that interlace, entwine and expose relations between objects, feelings and concepts, while simultaneously tracing indeterminate spaces between them.
Exclusive visit by Hiuwai Chu, MACBA’s curator.
15 February 2019
11 h
In the open or in stealth
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15 February 2019
In the open or in stealth
11 h
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