El dedo índice de Vicente Escudero (Vicente Escudero’s Index Finger)

El dedo índice de Vicente Escudero (Vicente Escudero’s Index Finger)

in progress
"¿La guerra ha terminado? Arte en un mundo dividido (1945-1968)", espectacle dirigit per Pedro G. al Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2010

Barribrossa celebrates its tenth edition this year by paying special attention to one of the most artistic manifestations of popular culture, flamenco. Sebastià Gasch, Joan Miró and Joan Brossa felt great attraction for the undisputable figure of Vicente Escudero, an internationally renowned Spanish dancer who had adopted Barcelona as his home, and who strongly influenced the development of this artistic form. Half way between modernity and tradition, Escudero’s poetics reveal a series of paradoxes on identity. In fact, his identification of flamenco with the Spanish or Andalusian essence became something of a hurdle when Joan Miró and Joan Brossa became interested in the aesthetics of the dance.

Lecture organised by MACBA in the context of Barribrossa 2013.

17 October 2013
No booking required. Free admission. MACBA Auditorium. Limited places
El dedo índice de Vicente Escudero (Vicente Escudero’s Index Finger)
17 October 2013
El dedo índice de Vicente Escudero (Vicente Escudero’s Index Finger)
No booking required. Free admission. MACBA Auditorium. Limited places
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