Deuniversalising the World

Deuniversalising the World

PEI Obert seminari given by Lucía Egaña (second day)
in progress
Jota Mombaça, “A gente combinamos de não morrer”, 2019

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11 October 2019
16:30 – 21 h
Deuniversalising the World
11 October 2019
Deuniversalising the World
16:30 – 21 h
Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona
We are migrant workers (men and women) and we stand for peace. In 2015 we created the Barcelona Street Vendors Union as a way of giving ourselves suport in light of the difficulties we faced selling on the streets every day and as a way of protecting ourselves from institutional racism, persecution and criminalisation of our activity. In July 2017 we launched the brand Top Manta with the goal of improving our living conditions as a collective. We street vendors didn’t arrive in Spain empty-handed: we have a wide range of skills and professions. Some of us have been tailors and fishermen in Senegal and many of us have experience as traders. We have our own code of values, we stand in solidarity with each other and with other vulnerable groups. We believe that street selling is a noble profession and that surviving is not a crime. More information:
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