'No idea'. Photo: Carmelo Salazar
Rescheduled activity: 7 March 2020

Carmelo Salazar, Non Show Work in Minimal Ground

in progress
'No idea'. Photo: Carmelo Salazar

Dance at the end of the month will open on the last Saturday of January with Carmelo Salazar performing in the galleries of the exhibition Charlotte Posenenske: Work in Progress. The choreographer and dancer from the Canary Islands has made an in-depth exploration of the limits of dance from various physical experiments in which the limits of the stage are extended. On this occasion, Salazar will enter into dialogue with Posenenske’s work, its variability and the social critique it presents.

‘This past autumn, I received an invitation from MACBA and the SÂLMON< Festival to stage my choreographic work within the context of the exhibition of Minimalist artist Charlotte Posenenske. After much consideration, I decided that what I was going to present were two of my previous choreographies: specifically, one of my first group works, El salón dorado ( 2003), and my last creation, Fin del mundo beauty (2019). Somehow, I felt obliged to choose these two pieces because, although they were not conceived from any conscious minimalist umbrella, they both start from a formal and conceptual subversion, they are entirely minimalist and, most importantly, they share most of the ethical and aesthetic reflections embraced by Posenenske in her work. Everything has to do with matter and the materiality of things. The pure form. I will not reprise any of the choreographies in a literal way; I will release my working material in the landscape offered by the exhibited sculptures, and introduce, into the fusion of the two choreographies, some ideas generated specifically for this minimal super-event.’

Choreography: Carmelo Salazar

Performers: Teresa Lorenzo, Sergi Faustino, Bea Fernández, Oscar Dasí, Rosa Muñoz, Carmelo Salazar.

Carmelo Salazar lives and works in Barcelona. He became a choreographer in 1992, since when he has produced a large number of projects mainly focused on research and revolutionising dance. For more than 15 years he has been co-director of La Porta, where his work as curator has been recognised with the National Dance Award and the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona, among other prizes. He was co-director of the three editions of the LP dance festival and founder of Teatron, an online community of live arts. Since 2001, he has pursued pedagogical research, writing as a tool and creative practices. He has produced several video-dance and video-art works. He currently combines his activity as a choreographer with teaching and the creation of studio films.

This activity is part of the Situaciones transicionales (Transitional Situations) programme, organised to mark the exhibition Charlotte Posenenske: Work in Progress.

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Rescheduled activity: 7 March 2020
7:30 pm
Free admission. Limited seating
Carmelo Salazar, Non Show Work in Minimal Ground
Museum galleries
Rescheduled activity: 7 March 2020
Carmelo Salazar, Non Show Work in Minimal Ground
7:30 pm
Museum galleries
Free admission. Limited seating
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Cesc Gelabert. Foto: Imanol Quílez
Dance at the end of the month
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